Free podcasts
Here you will find rebroadcasts of interviews with different people who asked me to address certain themes or to talk about my works. Happy listening!
For the launch of the new Gimme of them , we are going to meet two extraordinary women of humanity and inner strength: Mâ Ananda Moyî, and Etty Hillesum
January 2023: “We need vitality and freedom”, exchange with Stéphan Bureau , remarkable Canadian journalist on the major questions of our time by shedding light on them through a philosophical perspective.
February 2022: Réelles by Estelle Abbou – A journey towards oneself (43min)
June 2021: Metamorphosis by Anne Ghesquière , about the book “Just after the end of the world” (Nil, 2021).
November 2021: In search of meaning , by Yohann Marcet – What has philosophy taught us, for centuries, on the question of the meaning of existence? What personal, intellectual, spiritual approach should you take?
May 2021: Thirst for meaning by Pierre Chevelle – How to be happy despite obstacles?
September 2020: “ On the way ” with Axel Kahn , renowned scientist, geneticist and president of the League Against Cancer, we address the theme of the spiritual journey.
November 2020: New Eye by Victoria Guillomon – Accept what you cannot change