Holy God!
Publisher presentation
God and religions, sacred history... Since the Paleolithic, over the centuries, the idea of the sacred has gradually appeared in response to the wonder of the inexplicable. From the conceptualization of a superior entity to the multiplication of established religions, from the simple daily ritual to real societal and political upheavals, the notion of the divine is gradually becoming an essential element of human life. With precision and humor, the philosopher Frédéric Lenoir and the designer Anne-Lise Combeaud ( Philocomix ) help us discover the history of the creation of religions and the major developments they have caused over time.
Anne-Lise Combeaud (illustrator) and Frédéric Lenoir (author)
Rue de Sèvres , April 24, 2024 – 232 pages
EAN / ISBN: 9782810200351